Online Store

Station Facilities: Shinsai-bashi, Sakaisuji-honmachi, Umeda, Nakatsu

駅施設: 心斎橋駅・堺筋本町駅・梅田駅・中津駅

  • Osaka Metro(大阪市高速電気軌道)/Osaka Metro

2017年の民営化以来、Osaka Metroの掲げる「活力インフラプロジェクト」の一環として、御堂筋線・中央線の15駅のリニューアルデザインを手がけています。
・心斎橋「ザ・オオサカ・ブランド」The OSAKA Brand
・堺筋本町「船場文化」The SEMBA Culture
・梅田「大阪から世界へ」From OSAKA to the World
・中津「インキュベーター発信源」Incubator Central

As a part of Osaka Metro’s Vitality Infrastructure Project since 2017,we have been designing the renewal of 15 stations on the Midosuji Line and Chuo Line.
With the concept of “deepening history and evolving into the future,” we set the theme of each station as blow and designed it. We will continue to announce new station designs one after another from now on.
・Shinsaibashi Station: The OSAKA Brand
・Sakaisuji-honmachi Station: The SEMBA Culture
・Umeda Station: From OSAKA to the World
・Nakatsu Station: Incubator Central
