KEN OKUYAMA DESIGN 代表奥山がオルゴール製造を創業事業とする日本電産サンキョーとコラボ。新作発表会は1…
KEN OKUYAMA DESIGN CEO Kiyoyuki Okuyama collaborated with NIDEC SANKYO CORPORATION, whose founding business i…
東京国際展示場(東京ビッグサイト)で開催中の「第31回 日本国際工作機械見本市 JIMTOF2022」(会期11/8〜1…
KEN OKUYAMA DESIGN is in charge of design consulting for Yamazaki Mazak Corporation, which is currently holdin…
イタリア大使がKEN OKUYAMA Brand Center内覧会へご来臨され、貴重なスピーチを賜りました。…
We are honored to be visited our memorable moment, KEN OKUYAMA Brand Center, with His Excellency Mr. Gianluigi…
株式会社KEN OKUYAMA DESIGN(本社:⼭形県⼭形市 代表取締役:奥⼭清⾏)は現在の東京スタジオ(東京都渋⾕…
(Headquarters: Yamagata City, Yamagata Prefecture, President: Kiyoyuki Okuyama) has launched the KEN OKUYAMA B…
The Kode57 Berlinetta is exhibited at the Peterson Museum, a representative automobile museum in North America…
【対談】人にも環境にもサステナブルを目指すFUTAEDA(株)の代表 二枝たかはる氏による、建築家 隈研吾氏×弊社代表 …
【Special Talk】Mr. Takaharu Futaeda, the representative of FUTAEDA Co., Ltd., which aims to be sustainable for …
イギリス発祥のヴィンテージカー雑誌「オクタン日本版」に代表奥山のkode57ベルリネッタ について詳しく表現された記事が…
Octane Japan, a vintage car magazine originating from England, published an article in which Representative Ok…
MISUMI Corporation, which is developing new solutions for the manufacturing industry with its online machine p…
We have decided to revise our plan for “Shiki Nanyo” (former Hygea Park Nanyo), which we announced…